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Are you confident about the future of survival? Do you feel that all is well with humanity and the fate of the planet?
With all the conflict among nations, poverty, the millions of people living in toxic conditions with no support from the government of their country, and the threat of nuclear war increasing all the time. You would think there would be a plan to fix it before its to late. Contrary to popular belief by the majority of the world people, there is a plan to fix it, but it is not going to be for everyone. Only about 17% of humanity will be able to be a part of the New World. The people who are genectically free of any disorders, have a clean history throughout their bloodlines, and are part of the global elites and thier families will make up that 17% of the New World Order population. The only population that will be remaining after the "RESET"!
The United Nations has developed a plan or Agenda for what they call "Sustainable Development" to be fully installed by 2030. Currently the 17 goals and 169 sub goals is only at 17% of the progress that was suppossed to be done by the end of 2024. A call for aggressive acceleration of the implementation of the desired final outcome has been declared. The use of international, federal, state, and local authorities to enhance and install the aspects of the New World Order according to the Agenda 2030 documents outline by any means possible is coming into play more and more each day. The biggest hurdle to overcome is the reduction of the world's population from 8.5 billion people to 500 million people by 2030. The use of various strategies has been on going for the last couple of decades. It is a gradual process that has to be done over many years so that the general public doesn't become aware of what is going on. Masss media spreads disinformation, the scientific professionals are used to debunk the many facts that have been discovered about chemtrails and other so called conspiracy theories as being just internet chatter from crazy people wearing tin foil hats, and any other source available to confuse the people. The reality of it all comes down to control over every aspect of your life. No personal vehicles, no privately owned property, no choice of what job you will do to pay for you living costs, no more freedom to move about the country or oceans as it will all be controlled in the name of sustainable development. Digital currancy will run the world and your paycheck will already have all the bills and rent taken out before you see it. Social point systems will be used to keep people in line. You don't show up for work, they will dock you points which will in turn limit you on various aspects of your life. It will be a civilization of slaves under the control of the United Nations which will have a ruling body that will create and enforce the laws. It is already in motion and has been for a long time. Only now the time is getting short and a push to accelerate the transition is occuring. The drones flying all over that the pentagon says are not adversarial at the same time telling us they don't know what or who is controlling them is part of the process. All the reports of the strange fog around the world that is making people sick that just happened to occur at the same time as the drone/ufo sightings isnt just a coincedence. Covid-19 was nothing more than a way to scare the world as part of a test run. The "pokes" that were made mandatory only made the weaker sicker and caused many deaths. Nothing is what it seems and when you stop listening to the news and open your eyes you will see the truth. To quote Matt Lanman, the creator of "Frankenskies" a chemtrail documentary and an actual activist, "REAL EYES, REALIZE, REAL LIES. Lots of power in that quote if you use it.